Saturday, September 7, 2013

"My Love Affair with the Post Office Continues"

Ran a bunch of errands today. Cake tasting at Farm Fresh Bakery & Ecklof's Bakery. Delightful! We have a few more places to sample, but we are leaning towards the buttercream goodness of Ecklof's. Home Depot for some last minute supplies for the Paper Moon Photobooth we are creating. (Blog post later this week- stay tuned). When we finally get home, I see the mailman and wave. "Don't trip on the parcels in your side door!", he yells out and gives a friendly wave. Talk about putting pep into my step; I'm surprised I didn't trip running to the door! My fiancé and I are greeted by 2 amazing packages: our engagement book we created on Shutterfly & my new business cards (with my soon to be married name) for this calls for cake!

I absolutely adore them. Check them out:

 Hope you're having a great Saturday!

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