Monday, September 30, 2013

Mix-it-Up Monday: Bloody Mary!!

Football season is in full swing! Sundays are packed with jerseys, tasty treats, and brewski's. I cannot say that I am a football fan, but I can definitely say I am a football season fan! I just love the football parties honestly. I love seeing everyone else get excited about the game, and totally thrive off the energy. In Western NY, you have to be a Bills fan. It's just the way that it is. They aren't great, but the fans are golden! If Sunday Funday got the best of you (and you decided to take a "sick day"), this Bloody Mary may be the absolute best way to start your Monday!

What you need for a Bloody Mary:
  • Vodka
  • V-8 Juice
  • Horseradish 
  • Cracked Black Pepper
  • Cocktail Onions
  • Dilly-Beans (made from my fiances garden!!!) 
    Yes, that is my over-sized jumbo cat. Don't judge. He likes food.

  1. Pour shot of Vodka over ice.
  2. Stir in a 1/2 - 1 tbsp of Horseradish.
  3. Pour in about 1 cup V-8.
  4. Add some Black Pepper.
  5. Garnish with your favorite snacks & ENJOY!
 Cheers to you football fans! 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Throw-it-Together Thursday": Halloween Decor

Halloween has to be one of the most fun holidays there is! Candy, Costumes and Pumpkin Carving?! What is there not to love?! Since there are officially only 35 days until Halloween, I decided I would put up my Halloween decorations while I was waiting for my girlfriends to arrive for a little Thursday night Girls Night. 

I completely forgot that my fabulous sister, Laura, had gotten me a frame for Halloween last year! What a great surprise!!! (Yes, she totally gets me and my love of all things Halloween!!!)  Anyways, I don't have any fun Halloween pictures printed out. I should say, any fun Halloween pictures printed out that I know where they are...... So. I made one. It took less than 5 minutes, and you can throw it together in no time. Or just in time for your girlfriends to arrive! :)

What you'll need:
  • Sheet of white or off-white paper
  • Stamp pad
  • Halloween rubber stamps (Micheals has them. Some as low as a $1 a piece!)
  • Scissors

  1. Cut the paper to the same dimension of your frame. (Trace the stock photo they put in the frame to make it easy on yourself).
  2. Stamp a border around the edges of the paper.
  3. Stamp a Halloween message or word. 
  4. Stamp the larger of the 3 stamps & feel free to place it a bit off center. Makes for a more interesting photo! 
  5. Put back into the frame & enjoy for the Halloween season (or until you get those pictures printed!) 

     "Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story!"-- Mason Cooley 

    Have a great night! The girls are here!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Who-What-When Wednesday": The Bar

Wouldn't it be great if 3 martini lunches were still considered acceptable? I really think I was born in the wrong era.  I adore fine china, cordial glasses, cocktail sets, and dinner parties. "Treasure hunting" for these items is one of my all-time favorite hobbies. A good household sale is more exciting to me than you will ever know.  One fabulous thing about household sales is that they are usually stocked with some sweet bar-ware!

We all know that if you are having 1 guest over or 20 guests over, you are going to provide some type of cocktail/wine/soda. Why not do it in style?! Here is a little inspirtation to re-vamp your bar/bar cart & get sipping in high style. Enjoy the photos! (I sure am!!!) 

Happy Hunting! I'd love to see some of your treasure finds!
Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Taste's-Good Tuesday": Potato Soup!

A few days into Fall & it's already freezing in Western New York! Honestly, I love it! Of course, I am human and at some point this Fall/Winter you're going to hear me complain about the temperature and the shorter day light hours etc, etc, etc. However, I'm into it all right now! Sweater weather, leather boots, scarves, pumpkins, apple crisps, and SOUPS! Throw all good things in the crock and call it a meal. Easy-peasy! 
Think Fall parties- Soup, salads & tasty breads! All the prep is ahead of time, so you won't have to stop socializing to prep & everyone loves it!

I threw together this tasty Potato Soup & it was a hit! I thought I'd share!

What you'll need:
  • 32 oz. Chicken Broth
  • 2 Cups Buttermilk
  • 1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup
  • 1 Cup French Onion Dip
  • 1/4 Cup Bacon Pieces
  • 2 Onions, diced
  • 6-8 Potatoes, diced
  • Pepper & Garlic Powder to taste

  1. Dice up the potatoes & onions. 
  2. Throw everything together and turn on the crock pot. 
  3. Go enjoy a Pumpking @ Southern Tier Brewery. Come back in 2-3 hours.
  4. ENJOY!  :)

Hope you had a fabulous day! And remember. Soup, Salad, & Bread. EASY party food.


Monday, September 23, 2013

"Mix-it-Up Monday": Caramel Apple Martinis!

Fall is my favorite! It is a complete sensory overload! One of my favorite fall combos: Caramel & Apples!
Stop at the store on the way home from work. Better yet. Stop at happy hour, and have someone mix this up for you...... Caramel Apple Martini!!!!

You will need: Vodka, Apple Puckers, & Caramel syrup.
 In a shaker full of ice, mix up 1part vodka, 2 parts apple puckers.
 Drizzle caramel along the rim of your martini glasses...It will run down the sides. This is great- makes for sips of caramel. YUMMMMM!
 Pour in the ice cold martini & ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

"My doctor told me to watch my drinking. Now I drink in front of a mirror." --Rodney Dangerfield

Have a great day! Make this week fabulous!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Does Fazoli's Still Exist?

We used to have this chain Italian restaurant in town, Fazoli's. It was not the best food by any means, but they had a 4 cheese and tomato panini that was to die for. Probably had my entire week's calorie count in this panini. Anyways. My fiance and I are working our way through our tomato crop from the garden and cooked up this amazing sandwich.It reminded me of the Fazoli's panini that I LOVED!
Anyways, I totally wasn't planning on blogging this meal, so there aren't many pictures.....

You'll need:
  • 2 slices of fresh Italian bread
  • 3 tomato slices
  • pepper jack cheese
  • parmesan cheese
  • mozzarella cheese
  • Mayo
  • Butter
  1. Butter 1 side of each slices.
  2. Layer a small amount of mayo on the opposite sides.
  3. Layer the tomatoes & 3 cheeses.
  4. Grill & serve. O-M-G! YUM!  

"Super-Silly Sunday": Dog Treats!

"Romeo, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"-- Shakespeare 
Here he is..... 

Literally. Meet Romeo. My 4 year old Golden Retriever. My love.  He is into long walks through the neighborhood, chasing tennis balls, and PEANUT BUTTER! 

I decided to make him some treats tonight. They were super easy! Whip them up for your own little furry friend. If your pup loves peanut butter like Romeo does, then your pup will love it! Here is the recipe...

You will need: 
  • 1 cup plain oats
  • 1/3 cup butter (chopped into small pieces)
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup cornmeal
  • 1 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Dice the butter. I recommend starting with frozen butter. Much easier to cut. 

  • Mix the oats, diced butter & boiling hot water. (Let sit about 5-10 minutes once you pour the boiling water in.)

  • Add peanut butter, cornmeal, flour & egg. When you mix together, you will get a flaky texture.

  • Mix in milk. When you mix in the milk it will become a bit smoother.

  • Roll the dough into balls & place onto a cookie sheet. Warning: This step will get super, super sticky.

  • Bake for 35 minutes.
  • Cool the treats & serve 'em up to your pup (one at a time haha). 

"Damn girl!!! Those are GOOOOOOD!"--Romeo
Hope you had a great weekend!
Sara :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

"Favor Friday": O*P*I Treats! 
"Trick or Treat, give me something good to eat!" The pillowcase full of candy was almost as good as waking up to mounds of presents on Christmas morning. Although the thought of a pillowcase full of candy is enticing, my taste & excitement level have come a long way since I was 8. Thank God; otherwise I might still be rocking scrunchies & fanny packs....and listening to C+C Music Factory.  

This Halloween why not surprise your best girlfriends to a Witches Cocktail Hour & a special Halloween Treat?! Here is what you will need to make the nail polish treat: glue, ink pad, Halloween stamp, interesting hole punch/scissors, paint chip, card stock, ribbon, nail polish & regular straight edge scissors.
Cut around the stamp to your desired shape & Trim with your fancy hole-punched card stock. String a ribbon through the tag & make a bow. Boom! Easy!!! Takes less than 5 minutes, and ANYONE can do it! How precious would a tray full of "treats" look for your best gal pals?!
Hope you have a fabulous Friday night!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Throw-it-Together Thursday": Sniffle Kit!   

Who doesn't hate wasting sick days on really being sick?! Aren't "Sick Days" meant for watching re-runs of Friends & Love It Or List It, all while telling yourself that after this episode, you are going to get up and get organized. Because after all, that lack of organization is what made you feel so "sick" you needed the day off in the 1st place. Or is that just me? Am I the only one who needs a complete day(s) to catch up on organizing? Please tell me no.... I have a feeling I am not alone. 

Since "Cold Season" is upon us. I figured I'd throw together my own little "Sniffle Kit" to throw in my giant purse (some call it a suitcase). My fiance is a teacher, if it is going around at school- I end up getting it. I had more colds last year alone than in the past 5 years. Let's hope my immune system adjusts this year, but just in case it doesn't, I am prepared.

My Sniffle Kit consists of:
Vitamin C drops, Purell Wipes, Purell hand sanitizer, Tylenol Cold & Flu medicine, Kleenex, & red lipstick stashed inside a stylish clear cosmetic bag for easy access.


“Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together." 

-- Elizabeth Taylor 


Have a great night! 






Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Who, What, When Wednesday": Opening Day Lunch!

My handsome, rugged, man God of a Fiance is a hunter. (That 1st sentence was for you, Babe!) Which translates to a ton of Saturday morning free time! This year I have decided that I am going to have an "Opening Day (Shotgun season)" Lunch for all of the hunting season wives & significant others. There is a time in my life that I never thought I would utter those words. ;)


I whipped up the invitations for the luncheon using pages I tore from my favorite interior decorating magazines: Elle Decor & House Beautiful. I knew I was hanging onto stacks and stacks of issues from years past for a reason! 

For this invite, I made one hard copy of the invitation, and am making color copies onto card stock. This saves you time, and also gives it a funky collage feel without showing any glue lines. 

I'll be serving soup, salad and delicious homemade bread.  Drinks will be champagne with a blackberry sauce! 

Just a little example to remind you that THERE IS ALWAYS a reason for a PARTY! 

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Tastes-Good Tuesday": White Margarita Pizza!

I LOVE PIZZA. So does my Fiance. So do my friends. So does practically everyone right?! 
The go to pizza recipe in my house in Margarita Pizza. I decided to put a twist on the margarita pizza this week, and it tasted good. So I will pass it along........

What you'll need: *Pizza Dough *Flour *White Sauce *Pesto *Olive Oil *Onion *Tomato *Basil *Mozzarella *Pepper (I put pepper on EVERYTHING)

Mix dough as directed on package (skip if you buy the dough ball from your local grocery store) and place on the sprayed pizza sheet. 

Begin spreading the dough out to the edges to form the shape of the pan. Sprinkle flour on top of the dough if it is sticking to your fingers. 

Put about 1tbsp Olive Oil, 3-4tbsp White Sauce, & 2tbsp Pesto on the pizza dough.

Spread the mixture around the dough, mixing the ingredients together well.

Saute the onions until they are almost translucent.

Sprinkle the pizza with a light layer of cheese.

Place sliced onions & tomatoes on the pizza.

Sprinkle with cheese.  Add a layer of Basil.

Bake at 400degrees F for about 14-18minutes depending on how thick your tomatoes are, and your oven. Pull out when the cheese is lightly browned on top. 

I love balsamic. I mixed up a little balsamic & spice blend to dip the crust in. Of course, what goes great with pizza? BEER! White Margarita Pizza was served with Southern Tier Live. Yummy! Tastes good!

Hope you have a fantastic Tuesday, Friends! 