Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tastes-Good Tuesday: Creme Brulee!!

Eleanor Roosevelt tells us: 
"Do one thing everyday that scares you".

There are a ton of things that scare me, but that would take a whole series of blog posts.....hmmm... Do I dare do 2 blogs at once?  So let's narrow this down..... 2 of the biggest frights in the kitchen: Creme Brulee & Souffles of ANY kind. Although, Souffles continue to scare me, I conquered my fear of Creme Brulee, and I KNOW you can too! My future Mother-in-Law knows how much I love Creme Brulee & got me an awesome kit for my birthday this year. It really wasn't that hard to make! Try it!!!

Here is what you will need:
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (and 3tbsp more for the top)
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Creme Brulee Torch

  1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F.
  2. Boil some water.
  3. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the heavy cream & 2 Tbsp. of sugar.
  4. Stir occasionally until small bubbles appear around the edges of the saucepan. Then set aside.
  5. In a bowl, beat together the 3 egg yolks & vanilla until smooth. 
  6. Pour the cream mixture into the yolk/vanilla mixture slowly & just a bit at a time. 
  7. Once it is mixed up, divide into 4 ramekins.
  8. Place the 4 ramekins onto a cookie sheet.
  9. Fill the cookie sheet with the boiling water until it hits about 1/2 way on the ramekins. ***Fill the pan once it is in the oven. Trust me on this. I did it before I put the ramekins in the oven, and it was a nightmare getting them in the oven with the water in the cookie sheet!!!!***
  10. Place a sheet of aluminum foil loosely over the ramekins.

  11. Bake until custard is set. This will vary like crazy from oven to oven. Start with 25 minutes, then check every 10 minutes. Mine took about 90 minutes (we are having some oven issues though). It will look like this when it is set: 
  12. Chill for 2-3 hours.
  13. Sprinkle sugar over each chilled ramekin to cover in a thin layer. 
  14. Start up your torch & move the flame in a circular motion covering the entire ramekin. 
  15. Sugar will start to melt and turn a golden brown color. 
  16. Let it set. Celebrate! You, my friend, just made Creme Brulee! 

    Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday! Let me know how your Creme Brulee turns out! 


  1. Mmmmmmi have a kit too that I've never used, you've inspired me!

  2. Katie, it is so easy! You'll impress yourself!!! TRY IT! Hugh & I kept telling each other how awesome it was. YUMMM!
