Thursday, October 10, 2013

Throw-it-Together Thursday: Tuna Pasta!

College degrees - Funny Pictures, MEME and LOL by Funny Pictures Blog
Remember college? 
I do. Living was easy! Food was cheap. Friday nights were what memories were made of! You'd come home (insert time after midnight) & be "starving". One of my go-to meals was Tuna Pasta. Made with 5 items you always have on hand & it only takes 15 minutes to make. For a college favorite, it still fares well in my house. Try it! It's pretty great!

What you need:
*Pack of Tuna
*3 Tbsp.Olive Oil
*1/4 C. Parmesan cheese 
*12 Oz. box Bow-tie Pasta
*3 C. Frozen Peas 
*Black Pepper to taste

1. Boil your water & cook the Bowties for about 12-14 minutes.

2. Microwave the bag of Frozen Peas as directed on bag.

3. Drain your cooked Bow-ties.

4. In a large bowl, mix together the Olive Oil, Tuna & Black Pepper.

5. Mix the cooked Bowties, Cooked Peas & Parmesan.

Make it s Fabulous Thursday! Heck. For the 21 year old in you, make it a Thirsty Thursday!

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