Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Who, What, When Wednesday: Use What Ya Got!

 "This is for all you girls about twenty-five
In a little apartment, just trying to get by

Living on, on dreams and spaghetti-o's
Wondering where your life is gonna go...."
--Martina McBride 

So.....You want to have a party on a budget? Great. You can have a party with a 6 pack of hard cider and bean dip as long as you "stage it" that way. Have everyone bring a dish to pass. It takes the stress AND financial burden off of you. Plus- people love to bring something. Let them! (Trust me it has taken me years to get this!) 

Start off with a great invite. Like I said before. GET CREATIVE. Start with a sheet of paper and make an envelope out of last Sunday's comics. Use what you already have in your house. 

Find a killer recipe based on items you already have on your pantry.... Check out The ads on this page drive me up the wall, but you can click on items you currently have stocked and it will bring up some recipes which is pretty cool. Or try a simple bean dip. Cheap to make! This one is especially delish: Black Bean & Cheese Dip

Don't always feel like throwing a party means themed plates and cups and decor. If you're at home & you have a dish washer then open your kitchen cabinets. I am SURE you have something you can use. I created this table with a sheet of paper, a rubber stamp, a marker, a 99cent pack of Halloween vampire teeth, and some plates and pumpkin decorations I already had.

Hope you have a fabulous Hump Day! 
And find a reason to have the girls over this weekend!

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